SUTURE UK Executive Summary

About Us – Transforming Surgical Skills Education Globally

Our Mission

Excellent technical and non-technical skills are core tenets of safe surgical practice and are key factors in reducing post-operative complications.

However, skills such as suturing, and knot-tying are rarely taught in medical schools and there is a global shortage of educational opportunities. SUTURE UK aims to provide high-quality surgical skills training for medical students and doctors around the world, free-of-cost.


Innovative Online Learning

Access to surgical skills education is a right, not a privilege, for medical students and doctors in training. SUTURE UK harnesses the transformative power of online learning, to deliver curated modules on surgical skills training, open students across the globe. Through, educationally validated videos, quizzes and study guides, learners build solid foundations for their surgical careers and develop the attitudes necessary for lifelong skills development

A Global Community for Skills Practice 

SUTURE UK strongly believes that students learn best in communities and not on their own. Learners can practice their surgical skills at affiliated SkillsHubs, obtaining feedback and assessment from verified SkillsTrainers. SUTURE UK has a growing number of SkillsHubs globally and supports these grassroots communities through educational training, industry partnerships and research opportunities.


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Our Story

SUTURE UK was founded in 2020 by a team of doctors and medical students in Edinburgh, who had a vision of transforming surgical skills training. Our founders include:

  • Shivank Keni MBChB (Hons) BSc (Hons) MSc
  • Miss Saskia Clark-Stewart MBChB BMedSci (Hons) MRCS
  • Michael Poon MBChB BMedSci (Hons) MSc MRCS PhD
  • Isabel Summers MBChB BMedSci (Hons)
  • Stefania Silvestre MBChB BSc (Hons)

Since then, over 500 students have enrolled on SUTURE UK modules, with 35 SkillsHubs across the UK.

The SUTURE UK team has grown to include 35 surgical trainees, doctors and medical students, passionate about delivering outstanding surgical education.

SUTURE UK is proud to be supported by a number of leading surgical training organisations including RCSEd, BAPRAS and ENT UK.

SUTURE UK acknowledges generous financial support through the University of Edinburgh Student Experience Grant and Edinburgh Surgery Online.



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